Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy tickets?

You can buy tickets for all our events here

What is the minimum age to visit Lafrique Musique?

Please keep in mind that you must be 18 or older to attend the Deep Journey event. It’s really important that you have a valid ID with you, so we can check your age at the entrance. We don’t want to turn anyone away, but we need to make sure everyone is safe and comfortable during the event. Thank you for your understanding.

What are the opening hours

On 22th April Saturday from 23:00 – 06:00

Is parking available at the HEMKADE location?

Yes, the Hemkade has 3 different parking areas. To use the car park we charge an entrance fee of 12.50.

How do I get to Hemkade?

Address: Hemkade 48, 1506 PS Zaandam

The Hemkade is easily accessible. The venue is located 5 minutes from the A10 and is a 15-minute drive from Amsterdam.

Zaandam Central train station is 5 minutes away by car and 10 minutes by bike and 20 minutes on foot. The GVB Ferry from Amsterdam Sloterdijk is 500 m away from the venue.

What are the nearest accommodations near the Hemkade

Inntel Hotel Zaandam and Bastion Hotel are a 5-minute drive away. Hotel van der Valk Oostzaan is a 15-minute drive from the Hemkade.

What are the nearest accommodations near the Hemkade

Inntel Hotel Zaandam and Bastion Hotel are a 5-minute drive away. Hotel van der Valk Oostzaan is a 15-minute drive from the Hemkade.